It’s been a rough couple of days. My dad is fighting cancer and got released but he has not been feeling good. I haven’t been feeling good either. Im ready for the summer! But when summer comes it will bring all its own set of problems. Life is crazy! I feel like I’m stuck on a rollercoaster that will never end.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Sunday, April 13, 2008
back to the west
Made it back from the trip to Florida. It was a lot of fun and a great experience. I learned a lot about how to sell myself to other people. This festival was all about networking. We meet a ton of people. It was cool to see how people responded to our film.
We got selected to be A&E indie film spotlight. This is a major honor. We are stoked to be recognized in this way. They cut a commercial of our film and put it on their website. Also they will be running 20 second spots of the film on A&E.
So all in all it was a fun weekend. I’m glad I was able to go. My sister even flew out for it so that was way fun to. The showing of 305 at Newport Beach film festival sold-out in 8 days. Some of the festival organizers said they have never seen a screening sell out like that. So now they gave us a second screening. I’m hoping that we can sell that one out too.
Posted by Life of the Big Rigg at 6:48 PM 0 comments
Monday, April 7, 2008
busy and resting
Hi all.
It’s been an exciting last couple of days. I just got back from my senior cruise. It was lots of fun! I have been stressing a lot the last couple of days. My dad is in the hospital again. He is starting new treatment. They found new cancer in him. This sucks a lot! I wish it were all done with. Also I’m getting ready to go to Florida with 305. We leave on Wednesday. I’m stoked and nervous about it. I think we will do well but with my dad being sick it’s had to have fun. I hope he can make my graduation. He wants to come but doesn’t know if he will be able to. I am looking forward to finishing school and getting on with life. But we will see how all that goes.
All right so that’s basically the update and I got to go and do some homework.
Posted by Life of the Big Rigg at 2:15 PM 0 comments